Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform
The Tea Project for Schools

In as much as increase in enrolment at the primary school is important, so too is basic nutrition to keep the students concentrated and active. As it is said, “a hungry child cannot learn”. GDEAP has provided GS Fonenge in Wabane Sub Division with tea leaf to be prepared and served to the students in class six for since 2011. These students who have to brave the cold weather and come to school very early for extra classes being an examination class must be encouraged. The cold nature of this village resulting from the surrounding the landscape; with a lot of hills and forest has made it practically impossible for primary education enrolment to increase. Most students are either interested in hunting or will not attend school due to one reason or the other. And cold is just one of many reasons that a child may refuse going to school. With warm tea being served, the students can warm themselves up before starting their day’s activities. GDEAP will continue to provide remote schools like the above with whatever resources it is able to raise for the future of the kids.

The Tea Project for Schools The Science Text Book Project