Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform
News & Updates

"Activists are not born activists, everyone has a chance to become one, working hard to maintain focus is key and being the positive energy that strengthens the grassroots is my purpose"! Luke Nchichupa

"The Girl Child, Youths, Women, and the Elderly at the grassroots are like a supply chain in a production unit. If you fail in one area, it will affect the output of the others. But if you work in all areas you will impact change in amongst all. Therefore take action today and be the change"! GDEAP Cameroo

"What grassroots communities need might not be necessarily food or money. What they need more importantly is opportunity and power to influence themselves and their communities". GDEAP Cameroon

Elderly Rights

"Wisdom comes with age. What elderly persons can see sitting down, the youths must stand up to see beyond that, therefore stand up for the elderly in order to tell your history with pride". GDEAP Cameroon

"We cannot protect the environment for the future generations while ignoring that of the present whose yesterday is the present. The world’s older population have environmental concerns that must be treated as an emergency, else we shall destroy the present and have no future". GDEAP Cameroon

"Mismanagement and corruption at the grassroots are like destructive chemicals capable of destroying a whole generation. Therefore we must lead today by example with transparency to save our grassroots communities for a better future". GDEAP Cameroon

"Every one of us has the responsibility to make the world works as a better place. Therefore let’s join hands to build one another so as to have a place for everyone". GDEAP Cameroon.

Propose an Idea and get involved with GDEAP’s activities. Your idea could be the magic word that can transform grassroots communities.

Sponsor a Child, Nominate a child for scholarship!

Help Protect the Environment for the Elderly. They are most vulnerable to environmental changes BUT you can do little to save the situation by taking action today.