Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform

Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform (GDEAP), is a voluntary grassroots development concept that was started in the year 2008. GDEAP’s Founder and Executive Director -Luke Nchichupa held at that time and still holds that it is possible to sacrifice for the wellbeing of others with joy and lift up the spirits of those who cannot do it for themselves. Over the years, GDEAP has voluntarily executed a number of projects to help empower and better the lives of Cameroonians at the grassroots. We believe that the best ideas on how to continue our work, does not only depends on us, but on the ideas of others who can work with us at the grassroots in Cameroon and develop a solid base that is sustaining.

Therefore, Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform invites and offers many opportunities for people from Cameroon and from across its borders to contribute to our work by sharing or acquiring experiences with or through us. Volunteering is a passion and we encourage you to volunteer by taking part through different activities and programs. Everyone is welcome to volunteer. The work that a volunteer does is fundamental to the success of GDEAP.

GDEAP knows that everyone who volunteers for a programs will be bringing some new energy to the organization. We also know that volunteers bring with them many innovative ideas that we can use to achieve our goals. New volunteers are often the driving force which can propel our organization forward and help us to fulfill our mission.

Our volunteers are given an opportunity to participate in every aspect of our work. If there is anything at our website that interests you, then be sure to step forward and tell us what you like and what you will like to do. As a volunteer with Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform, you will get to enjoy a number of benefits. For example, you will be able to work with us in an open as well as flexible manner and there are also plenty of opportunities available for you to realize your full potential, get the needed job experience working with real time communities. We will also assist you in every way that we can.

When you volunteer to work with Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform, you will also get a chance to discover our country and our culture. For volunteers from overseas, this can prove to be a truly exciting experience. You will get to meet some truly amazing people in communities around Cameroon with opportunities to make new and long-lasting friendships. At the same time, you gain some invaluable development experience that you won’t find anywhere else except at the grassroots.

Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform welcomes new volunteers with open arms and we provide you with the needed information before you take up any volunteering position. There are many different options available to those who are looking to volunteer for an overseas position. Before you make up your mind to volunteer with Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform, you should think about the kind of volunteer experience you are going to get. You should also decide on a particular project or program that you would like to volunteer for.

If you find our programs/projects interesting, please get in touch with the Contact Form and we get back to you.