Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform
Our Vision

visionGrassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform has as vision to ensure that women and youth attain their maximum development potential. Our vision is to see that grassroots communities and individuals are positively impacted by our different projects. We want to create a new hope which will help in enhancing wealth creation by making full use of creativity at the grassroots level through technological empowerment of our youth and women.

Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform sees development in Cameroon being linked to overcoming a number of economic as well as unemployment hurdles that hits the grassroots most. To ensure that the youth of our country gets equal opportunity and access to our resources, we at GDEAP are promoting as well as encouraging development policies that address the concerns of those at the bottom. We believe that through ideas being put together by GDEAP, strategic initiatives can lead schools at the grassroots to technological empowerment. We believe that by taking a holistic approach we can achieve our goals and objectives in a more effective way.

Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform has developed its own vision for the year 2025. We are currently involved in different projects planning including our priority project of “Leadership and Development” for special groups consisting of girls and women. We know that in a vast majority of communities it is the man who is most talked about when discussing leadership development. However, we want to change things by making formal leadership education available at the grassroots community level. This is how we intend to realize our vision for the girl child. Our Vision 2025 project focuses on girl’s leadership amongst others. We want to prepare the girl child with values for the future.

Grassroots Development and Empowerment Action Platform is also concerned about empowering grassroots community women. It is our vision to see that the woman of tomorrow is an opinion leader in the community and that she gets to have her say in important matters like resource management and even climate talks. We are planting trees for the future, to tackle the problem of climate change and land degradation which has seen most fuel resources available to grassroots women depleting because of over dependence. We seek to plant more trees while searching for alternative fuel resources.We know that now is the time to tackle these problems so that future generations do not have to be burdened with uncertainties.

Our Vision 2025 also extends to elderly rights. A vision 2025 project called Expanding Knowledge on Respect and Responsibilities towards our Elderly Aging Population in grassroots community setting in Cameroon aims to help the elderly and aging population of grassroots communities in Cameroon come to the frontline as a priority so that policy makers can create ageing friendly projects that will suit their needs.

GDEAP is aware of the increasing percentage of the aging population in Cameroon which is projected to increaseto about 10% of the population of people 60+ by the year 2050. Therefore their right to take part in decision making processes, getting active in social activities and economic empowerment must begin now. That is only possible if different actors acquire the right knowledge that will make our grassroots communities more age-friendly. That’s one of the areas GDEAP hopes to use ageing friendly models to ensure capacity building as well as wealth creation through some health based programs.